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Alcohol Induced Deaths

Alcohol Induced Deaths reports the number and rate of alcohol-induced deaths.

Additional Info

Jenna Daly

For Crude Rate, total population. For AAMR, calculations are provided by the publisher and are more complex.

Alcohol Induced Deaths reports the number and rate of alcohol-induced deaths.



Deaths from accidents, homicides, and other causes indirectly related to alcohol use, as well as newborn deaths associated with maternal alcohol use are excluded from this count. The age-adjusted mortality rate (AAMR) controls for the impact of different age structures in order to better evaluate risk levels that are independent of the age composition of the population. Connecticut Department of Public Health collects data annually. carries five year aggregations of annual data. The three year aggregate data from 1999-2001 to 2007-2009 has been archived.



Number;Crude Rate (per 100,000);AAMR (per 100,000)

For Crude Rate, number of alcohol induced deaths, as reported by source. For AAMR, calculations are provided by the publisher and are more complex.


Connecticut Department of Public Health


To calculate the crude death rate, the number of alcohol induced deaths is divided by the total population and multiplied by 100,000. AAMR calculations are provided by the publisher and are more complex.

Alcohol Induced Deaths
