Chronic Absenteeism
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Student enrollment per grade.
Chronic Absenteeism reports the percentage of chronically absent students during a school year, per subgroup.
Grade,Race/ethnicity,English Language Learner,Eligible for Free or Reduced-price Meals,Students with Disabilities,Measure Type,Variable
All;Eligible for free meal;Eligible for reduced-price meal;Not eligible
All;English Language Learner
Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing at least 10 percent of the days enrolled in the school year for any reason. The subgroups reported are grade, race/ethnicity, English language learners, students with disabilities, and students eligible for free or reduced-price meals (FRPM). Connecticut State Department of Education collects annual data for grades K through 12, based on June reports of attendance. carries annual data for grades K through 12 in grade subgroups. This dataset was preceded by Absenteeism through SY2010-11.
All;K through 3;4 through 8;9 through 12
Corresponding number indicator.
All;White;Hispanic or Latino;Black;Native American;Asian;Two or more races;Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Connecticut State Department of Education
All;With disabilities
SDE Archive
Disaggregations resulting in counts of less than 20 students are suppressed
Chronically absent students