Chronic Absenteeism by Special Education StatusChronic Absenteeism reports the percentage of chronically absent students during a school year, per special education status.
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Total number of students, per subgroup.
Chronic Absenteeism reports the percentage of chronically absent students during a school year, per special education status.
A student is chronically absent if he/she misses ten percent or greater of the total number of days enrolled in the school year for any reason. Pre-Kindergarten students are excluded from this calculation. Connecticut State Department of Education collects annual data for grades K through 12, based on June reports of attendance. Charter Districts have been entered as individual districts. For the 2019-20 school year, chronic absenteeism calculations are based only on in-person school days until mid-March 2020.
Total number of chronically absent students, per subgroup.
Connecticut State Department of Education
Non-Special Education;Special Education
Student Behavior
Disaggregations where either the numerator is less than 6 or the denominator is less than 20 are suppressed.
Chronically Absent Students