Total;0 to 4 years;5 to 9 years;10 to 14 years;15 to 19 years;20 to 24 years;25 to 29 years;30 to 34 years;35 to 44 years;45 to 54 years;55 to 64 years;65 to 74 years;75 to 84 years;85 years and over
Total Population for selected Town, Year, and Race/Ethnicity.
Decennial Population by Town provides a real count of people living in a given town, disaggregated by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Age.
For each Decennial Census, the US Census Bureau produces a real, enumerated count of individuals living in the United States. These counts are presented here into a series of age cohorts, and are disaggregated by gender and Race and Ethnicity. Beginning in 2000, individuals were presented with the option to select one or more races. In addition, the Census asked individuals to identify their race separately from identifying their Hispanic origin. The Census has published individual tables for the races and ethnicities provided as supplemental information to the main table that does not dissaggregate by race or ethnicity. Race categories include the following - White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Some other race, and Two or more races. We are not including specific combinations of two or more races as the counts of these combinations are small. Ethnic categories include - Hispanic or Latino and White Non-Hispanic. Data for Decennial Census 2000 comes from Summary File 1 (SF 1), table P012 Sex by Age, and its racial and ethnic counterparts P012A through P012I. Data for Decennial Census 2010 comes from Summary File 1 (SF 1), table P12 Sex by Age, and its racial and ethnic counterparts P12A through P12I. For each of these Decennial Census, Summary File 1 contains the "100-percent data", which is the information compiled from the questions asked of all people and about every housing unit. Data representing age was usually derived from the date of birth of the individual, and imputed using their reported age in years only if the date of birth was unavailable. Gender is derived from the answer to a question where the individual was asked to mark either "male" or "female". Missing or omitted gender information was imputed using the persons given name and household relationship, or a combination of age and relationship to the householder.
Population for selected Town, Year, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Age Cohort.
All;American Indian and Alaska Native Alone;Asian Alone;Black or African American Alone;Hispanic or Latino;Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone;Some Other Race Alone;Two or More Races;White Alone;White Alone, Not Hispanic or Latino