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Developmental Reading Assessment Results - Archive

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Sasha Cuerda

Percentages calculated by SDE

Developmental Reading Assessment Results reports the percentage of students assessed by the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2), per subgroup.

Year;Performance Level;Grade;Race;English Language Learners;Subsidized Lunch;Special Education;Measure Type;Variable

English Language Learner;Not English Language Learner;All

DRA2 measures the reading performance of students from Kindergarten through Grade 3. The subgroups reported are testing performance level, grade, race/ethnicity, English language learners, special education students, and students eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Students are assessed twice a year in Kindergarten and three times a year in Grades 1 through 3. Summer reading loss is calculated by subtracting the result of the fall administration from the result of the spring administration for the same calendar year (the prior school year). The DRA2 has been mandatory for all schools in the priority school districts (PSDs). SY2013-14 was a transition year during which the PSDs could use either the DRA2 or an alternate assessment from a menu created by Connecticut State Department of Education (SDE). Starting with SY2014-15, PSDs must use an assessment from the menu approved by the State Board of Education. SDE collects and carries annual reports of test results.

All;Kindergarten;Grade 1;Grade 2;Grade 3



Percentages calculated by SDE

Proficient;Monitor;Substantially Deficiant

All;American Indian/Alaskan Native;Asian;Black/African American;Hispanic/Lation;Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander;Two or More Races;White

Connecticut State Department of Education

All;Special education;Not special education

All;Eligible for free;Not eligible;Eligible for reduced

DRA Results