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Kindergarten Entrance Inventory Results

Kindergarten Entrance Inventory Results reports the number and percentage of kindergarten students, per inventory domain skill level.

Additional Info

Jenna Daly

Total students tested.

Kindergarten Entrance Inventory Results reports the number and percentage of kindergarten students, per inventory domain skill level.



The inventory gathers information about the academic skill and behavior of kindergartners. Six domains of early childhood development are collected: language skills, literacy skills, numeracy skills, physical/motor skills, creative/aesthetic skills and personal/social skills. Performance in each domain is measured from levels 1 through 3, with level 3 indicating that the student requires minimal additional support. Scores are assigned based on teachers' observations. The inventory aggregates individual teacher observations of incoming kindergarteners across the six domains and combines the assigned scores into an unweighted quartile score. Connecticut State Department of Education collects scores annually, in the fall of each year. carries annual data. SDE stopped calculating a value for Connecticut as whole because some districts were granted a waiver in 2013-2014 to opt out. As such, the state value would be an under reported score.




Number of students per Domain/Skill combination.


Level 1;Level 2;Level 3;Total Tested


Connecticut State Department of Education

Kindergarten Readiness

Combinations resulting in counts of less than 20 students are suppressed and denoted with an '*' or a -9999 in the raw data view. Missing values have been denoted with -6666.

Kindergarten Entrance Inventory Results
