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Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions reports the number, percent, and rate of admissions to Mental Health and Substance Abuse programs, as reported to the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), and organized by town and fiscal year.

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Mental Health;Substance Abuse;Mental Health and Substance Abuse;Total

For percents, the total number of admissions. For rate, 10,000's of populace.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions reports the number, percent, and rate of admissions to Mental Health and Substance Abuse programs, as reported to the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), and organized by town and fiscal year.



The Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services runs many programs providing services and support to those with Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse problems. This dataset reports the number and percent of admissions for Mental Health programs, Substance Abuse programs, the number of individuals admitted for both types of programs, as well as the total number of all admissions. Data are also available detailing the rate of admissions per 10,000 people in the population. Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment admissions include admissions to both public and private non-profit programs that receive DMHAS funding. All data is for residents 18 and older.



Number;Percent;Rate (per 10,000)

Number of admissions by category.


Connecituct Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Mental Health

Towns with less than 15 admissions are suppressed.

Years in this dataset reflect Fiscal Years for the CTDMHAS. FY 2016 is July 2015 through June 2016.

DMHAS Admissions;Margins of Error
