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Pre-school Staff Education and Training

Additional Info

Sasha Cuerda

Number of educators in the CCAC Registry per position.

Pre-school Staff Education and Training reports the number and percentage of preschool educators by credential in the CCAC Registry, per subgroup.

Year;Educator Training;Educator Position;Measure Type;Variable


Program Administrator;Teacher;Assistant Teacher

AS plus 12 ECE credits;BA or more plus 12 ECE credits;CDA or 12 ECE credits;CDA plus 12 ECE credits or 30 credit credential;Less than a CDA or 12 ECE credits

Connecticut Charts-a-Course (CCAC) is a state-wide early childhood professional registry. The subgroups reported are educator position and education and training level of educators. Connecticut Office of Early Childhood collects data from the CCAC Registry each fiscal year. carries annual data.


Corresponding number indicator.

Connecticut Office of Early Childhood

Early Care and Education

in CCAC Registry
