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Single Parent Families

Single-parent Families reports the number and percent of families that are headed by a single parent, by the relation of children under the age of 18 years.

Additional Info

All;Own Children;No Own Children

Total number of Families

Single-parent Families reports the number and percent of families that are headed by a single parent, by the relation of children under the age of 18 years.




Children are all persons under the age of 18 years. 'Own children' in a family are sons and daughters, including stepchildren and adopted children, of the householder. 'Single-parent family' means only one parent is present in the home, and is never-married, widowed, divorced, or married, spouse absent. This data originates from the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year estimates, table B11003. The ACS collects these data from a sample of households on a rolling monthly basis. ACS aggregates samples into one-, three-, or five-year periods.




Single-parent families, per child relation.


US Census

Family Structure

These data present aggregates and proportions based on total values per family type and child relation. As such, the values are given with Margins of Error derived from the estimates and margins of error provided with the original ACS data.

Single-Parent Families;Margins of Error
