Smarter Balanced by All Students PerformanceSmarter Balanced reports the number and percentage of students assessed by the Smarter Balanced (SB) Assessment, per subgroup.
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Smarter Balanced reports the number and percentage of students assessed by the Smarter Balanced (SB) Assessment, per subgroup.
All students who attempted at least one Smarter Balanced (SB) test item in both the computer adaptive test and the performance task in the subject area (English Language Arts or Math) are included in the achievement calculations. In SY2013-14, nearly all school districts opted to use the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) as a field test, with individual student results not reported. SBAC was mandatory starting with SY2014-15. Connecticut State Department of Education collects test results for grades 3 through 8 and 11 in the spring of each year. This data set presents the number and percent of students who scored at each proficiency level. Charter Districts have been entered as individual districts.
Grade 3;Grade 4;Grade 5;Grade 6;Grade 7;Grade 8;Grade 11;All
Connecticut State Department of Education
Testing and Evaluation
Disaggregations resulting in counts of less than 6 students are suppressed
Level 1 Not Met;Level 2 Approaching;Level 3 Met;Level 4 Exceeded;Level 3 & 4 Met or Exceeded