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Substance-related School Suspensions and Expulsions - Archive

Additional Info

Sasha Cuerda

Total students enrolled in grades 6 through 12

Substance-related School Suspensions and Expulsions reports the number and percentage of students in grades 6 through 12 suspended or expelled due to substance-related activity, by gender and type of substance.

Year,Substance,Gender,Measure Type,Variable

The data indicate the total number of students in grades 6 to 12 who were suspended or expelled for use, possession or sale of alcohol during the past school year. Data are collected annually.



Corresponding number indicator

Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (through 2009). Connecticut State Department of Education (since SY2007)

Alcohol;Illegal Drug;Prescription/Over the counter drug;Tobacco

The catalog has DMHAS data from 2007-2009. DMHAS data are reported as numbers by gender. The catalog has CTSDE data since SY2007. CTSDE data are reported as numbers and percentages of all students, male or female.

School suspensions and expulsions in past year
