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Suspension Rate by Race

Suspension Rate by Race reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, per race/ethnicity.

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Suspension Rate by Race reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, per race/ethnicity.



The ED166 is the Student Disciplinary Offense Data Collection. The CSDE uses this data to satisfy various federal mandates such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the No Child Left Behind: Unsafe School Choice Option, and Special Education Reporting. This dataset reports the percentage of unique, unduplicated students that have received at least one In-school Suspension (ISS), Out-of-school Suspension (OSS), or Expulsion (EXP) out of the total number of students enrolled in the Public School Information System (PSIS) as of October of the given year. This dataset is based on School Years. Charter Districts have been entered as individual districts. Note: In the 2019-20 school year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person classes were cancelled in mid-March; all districts switched to fully remote instruction for the remainder of the school year.




American Indian or Alaska Native;Asian;Black or African American;Hispanic or Latino of any race;Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander;Two or More Races;White


Connecticut State Department of Education

Student Behavior

Disaggregations where either the numerator is less than 6 or the denominator is less than 20 are suppressed.

