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Suspensions and Expulsions - Pre-K through 3

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Sasha Cuerda


Suspensions and Expulsions - Pre-K through 3 reports the number of times a student is suspended or expelled from school, per grade.

Year,Variable,Grade,Measure Type


Suspensions and expulsions are punitive measures taken at school for a variety of reasons. The data report both in-school and out of school suspensions and expulsions. Data are duplicated counts of incidents. Connecticut State Department of Education collects counts of incidences for all grades on a school year basis. carries annual counts of incidences for grades PreK through 3.


Pre K;Grade K;Grade 1;Grade 2;Grade 3;Total: Pre K-Grade 3



Connecticut State Department of Education

Student Behavior

Values less than 6 are suppressed.

In school and out of school suspensions and expulsions
