Children in Cost-burdened Households - Archive

About this dataset
Children in Cost-burdened Households reports the share of children living in households that spend at least 30 percent of annual household income on housing costs.
Full Description
A household is cost-burdened if it spends 30 percent or more of annual household income on housing costs, which include utility, tax, mortgage, insurance, rent, and related payments. Children are all persons under the age of 18 years. The American Community Survey (ACS) collects these data from a sample of households on a rolling monthly basis. ACS aggregates samples into one-, three-, or five-year periods. At this time only state-level data are available on Town-level data aggregated from the five-year datasets (considered to be more accurate for geographic areas that are the size of a county or smaller) can be produced using PUMS data currently available on the Census website.
American Community Survey