Median Household Income by Town
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Median Household Income by Town reports the median household income, per race/ethnicity.
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Household income is the sum of all household members' income. An individual's income is his wage or salary income; net self-employment income; interest, dividends, or net rental or royalty income; social security or railroad retirement income; supplemental security income; public assistance or welfare payments; retirement or disability income; and all other income. The American Community Survey (ACS) collects these data from a sample of households on a rolling monthly basis. ACS aggregates samples into one-, three-, or five-year periods. generally carries the five-year datasets, as they are considered to be the most accurate, especially for geographic areas that are the size of a county or smaller. Beginning in 2000, individuals were presented with the option to select one or more races. In addition, the Census asked individuals to identify their race separately from identifying their Hispanic origin. The Census has published individual tables for the races and ethnicities provided as supplemental information to the main table that does not dissaggregate by race or ethnicity. Race categories include White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Some other race, and Two or more races. We are not including specific combinations of two or more races as the counts of these combinations are small. Ethnic categories include Hispanic or Latino and White Non-Hispanic. This data originates from the ACS table B19013 and its Racial/Ethnic subtables, B19013A through B19013I.
US Census
Supressed values in this dataset are the result of sample sizes too small for statistical analysis or significance.